Aj Trucking
Company Name: Aj Trucking
Status: Active
State: West Virginia
Post: 25268-9607
County: Calhoun
City: Orma
Address: Hc 71 Box 49
Phone: (304)655-8514
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Principal: Ernest Marks
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 4212 Industry group: Motor freight transportation/warehouse, Business category: Local trucking without storage
Overall: Aj Trucking is a business categorized under local trucking without storage, which is part of the larger category motor freight transportation/warehouse. Aj Trucking is located at the address Hc 71 Box 49 in Orma, West Virginia 25268-9607. The Principal is Ernest Marks who can be contacted at (304)655-8514.
Description: Local Trucking, Without Storage
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